What is "Crumple Zone" all about? In a word...cars. In a few more words...it will be a place for musing and discussion about all things automotive, including new cars, old cars, car racing, car events, car accessories, car industry news, etc. It will also give me an outlet to share car-related items that catch my fancy. Prior to Crumple Zone, my only outlet was emailing Brian, but I am pretty sure he's sick of his inbox being jammed with Craigslist postings about jalopies for sale.
There aren't many ground rules...pretty much any car-related topic goes. My opinions are just that, so feel free to disagree. Comments are encouraged as long as they are civil, family-friendly and well-considered.
I should make readers aware of a few biases. My automotive tastes tend toward the European. So expect more postings about Formula One, new Citroens and Sebastian Loeb than ones about NASCAR, Corvettes and Danica Patrick. (However, pictures of Danica are always welcome).
So that's about it. My goal is to average one post a day, but don't hold me to that. I am open to collaborators, so drop me a line if you would like to be a contributor.
Technorati code: jhe6zam87u